The Last One
When I thought I had seen the last of them
And how I missed seeing their smiles
At dawn, with my early morning tea,
Swaying with the cool breeze
And welcoming me
In their colorful world.
Vibrant hues of pinks, purples,
Yellows, oranges, reds
And my favorite white,
Pride of my humble terrace garden,
The lovely Chrysanthemums!
This morning I was in for a pleasant surprise,
When I saw a flash of pink
Peeping through the clustered plants,
Ready to be kept aside to
Cool off in the fast approaching summers
And be ready for next season
With invigorated charm and freshness.
Perhaps then, I must have missed
Saying good bye to this last one
I caressed him lovingly,
Ever so lightly
And to my surprise it swayed and touched my cheek
Kissing me a last time
For he might not be there tomorrow,
Made me realize
However short the connection may be
Love is eternal,
Knows no limits
And surpasses all boundaries
Spreading its wings to reach
And flourish the bond between
All living species
Be it humans, animals, birds or plants….
“I’ll miss you my lovely friend
But I know you’ll come back,
For mortals perish,
But LOVE survives against all odds…..”
©Vinita Surana 'Kiran'