She's Human Too

Crowning her as a goddess

They tend to forget conveniently

That She is human too.

Not a stone idol

That can survive the extremes of atrocious weather,

Even though she’s a paradigm of patience and tolerance.

She is an epitome of love and sacrifice

In her multifarious roles of

Mother, Sister, Wife and Daughter.

Is this how her love is to be reciprocated?

Right from her birth

Her freedom is encroached upon

In the name of culture, tradition and customs.

With no promise of security

She is too often stripped naked

Either by eyes or hands

Violating her very soul.

She is an easy prey

For the vultures hovering everywhere,

Even in her safe haven called home.

Profusely bleeding, both inward and outward

Oh! With folded hands, she pray,

“I have no desire to be placed high

Let me laugh, let me cry

Let me be human, let me live

 Love is all I wish to receive and give.”
By – Vinita Surana


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