Chap 25 Life Moves on ….

Its often said PEOPLE COME AND GO …… BUT LIFE MOVES ON. But some people never go even after they leave this world. They live in your heart forever as the fondest memories. Ghazal’s life was a series of  events, some good, some tragic, yet her fondest memories were those moments spent with Mihir in her childhood and with Vaibhav in her youth. Two most important people in her life who had great influence on the person, she was now. Two people who had loved her unconditionally. But both of them had gone a distance from her… one of them forever , never to return. Her meeting with Samar on Face book was as though God’s compensation to fill the vacuum created by their departure. She felt herself lucky to have got such good friends at every turn of her life and their support and love , when it was most needed.
           But still there is something call fate which follows its own path, unpredictable by humans. What Ghazal did not know, was the turn her life was taking gradually. A week later, just as she was winding up for night, her door bell rang and standing at the door was the person she had least expected, Arun. He looked very tired, with overnight beard showing on his face. He must have come straight from his site of work. She was quite surprised but did not say anything, just let him in and closed the door. Handing him a glass of cool water, she asked him if he wanted something to eat but he refused. She realised, he did not look too well, as if something was troubling him.
“Can I stay here for the night? I did not feel like going home. Where’s Vrinda? Is she already asleep?”, He asked.
“Yes sure ! Vrinda has gone off to sleep. Are you alright?”, Ghazal asked him, a little worried at the worn look on his face.
“Yes , just a little headache, had been working 24/7 , hence exhausted.” was his reply.
Ghazal went into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a warm glass of milk to find him fast asleep on the single settee of the living room. Something stirred in her heart and she took a pillow and put it under his head, finding his forehead hot like a furnace. He had extreme temperature. It was almost 11’o clock, not possible to have a doctor to visit. She quickly took some chilled water in a bowl and dipping a cloth strip in it, placed it on his forehead. He moved , clearly feeling uncomfortable, but not fully awake. She wondered how he had travelled in such a condition. Half an hour later, when the temperature subsided a little, he opened his eyes. Ghazal gave him a tablet for reducing temperature and glass of milk, after which he again slept. Ghazal was up the whole night, changing wet strips after regular intervals and at last when the temperature came to almost normal and he slipped into a restful sleep, she too relaxed and spreading her tired feet, slept on the sofa near the settee, so as to be available, if he woke up and needed something.


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