Two days flew by with Vaibhav busy in completing his office work and packing. It was evening time when Vaibhav came to meet Ghazal at her home. His flight to Mumbai was sheduled the next morning and flight to London in the evening from Mumbai. Ghazal was in her room, lying down with moisture in her eyes and Vaibhav's pic in her hand. This was the first time, when they would be apart for such a long period. Vaibhav too, was sad but putting a smile on his face, he took her hand in his. She smiled back, but couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes. Vaibhav took her in her arms and hugged her tightly. They stayed like that without saying anything, as words were never required when they were together.
        Vaibhav handed her a small packet. He clicked some pics of Ghazal with the camera he had brought with him. They quietly shared a cup of coffee, Ghazal had made. Soon it was time for Vaibhav to leave, as he had a flight to catch early in the morning. Good-byes had never been easy for Ghazal, but she controlled her tears and smiled ,for she wanted Vaibhav to remember her smiling face. She too gave him a packet before he left. Vaibhav met her grand-parents, taking their blessings and came out of the house. He turned back to see Ghazal standing at the door, waving, smiling and tears flooding her eyes.He waved once and started his car and left, knowing fully well that the longer he'll stay, the harder it would be for him to leave.
        Going back to her room, Ghazal opened Vaibhav's packet to find an audio cassette. She played the cassette and Vaibhav's voice floated in the air........
          "My sweet angel....this is for heart felt feelings.....which no words can ever express....however far we may be distances can ever keep us apart.... for you 're always there with me in my my memories...a part of you I carry and a part of me which stays with you always."
        One by one all her favorite songs played and touched her heart with Vaibhav's loving n soulful voice reaching her very soul.....She sat on her bed with her eyes closed and tears flowing down her cheeks, letting his voice envelope her like a loving hug...........

          Vaibhav went home and opened her packet to find her diary in it. He knew the significance of this gesture, for Ghazal never shared her diary with anyone. It was her long kept secret, and she had trusted him with all her personal feelings n deepest secrets of her inner self. He kept it safely in his suit-case, the most precious of her gifts. With this diary, Ghazal had given him a part of herself, to keep him company whenever he felt lonely and missed her.
        "LOVE YOU MY ANGEL ..................."


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